Cosmic Decay: What Was and What Could Be
Failing to rot: what the preservation of corpses can tell us about historical memory
Resist or Resist: An Exploration of Ethical Binaries in Genocide and Colonial Complicity
Chiseling the Rock
Existentialism, Sex and the Binary
Surpassing realism: How surrealism offers an alternative
Exploring the value in the surreal - the threshold between dreams and reality
Pornography and the social reality of women
The Body as Political Battleground: Biopolitics and Self Destruction
'Corporeal, Ethereal'
Bloody Get Over It
Catharsis and Negative Emotions
The Cathartic Power of Protesting
Observation & the Hypnotising Appeal of Tragedy
Jealousy as Catharsis
Dante's Influence on Modern Vice and Virtue
Original Sin, Eve, Vice, and the Female Experience
Solidarity and Apocalypse
Queer Survival in an Apocalyptic World
Our Red Heifer