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Letter from the Editors

Apocalypse Issue Cover Illustration by Celeste John-Wood.

We can recognise when an Apocalypse starts–the 26th of March 2020 or a potential red cow to signify the return of Jesus and the end of time as Gabriel Brody writes–but when will it end? Does the big-bang, a bang so great it seemingly destroyed and created every tangible item in existence, in fact mark the start and finish of an apocalypse? You could even say it was the original cause of every prior Apocalypse and those yet to come; if you are one to believe our fate is written in the stars.

The Apocalypse issue marks an end of term, an ending which coincides with no-masks and no-isolation (for those able to). The pandemic meant irreversible change to human society and the environment, aligning with the Oxford definition of apocalypse, but could this seeming end to our current apocalypse indicate a rebirth? Callum Sutherfield examines this in Literature, playing with three kinds of Apocalypse. The Rebirth of arts and culture has been a common theme in most of our issues this year, Rebirth being a synonym of Renaissance, but we haven’t got through it alone.

Both Jamie McDonald and Noushka Summerfield engage with how solidarity was invaluable during this Apocalypse in HPE, Noushka diving deep into how queer survival in Edinburgh has manifested through multiple Apocalypses. On the topic of queer survival, also be sure to read Daniel Delf’s review of A Natural History of Transition in Literature. If you’re wanting something a little cheerier from doomsday after doomsday, perhaps refer to our Creative Writing section with the creativity of Kaja Kubičková and Kirsten Twigg making perfect readings for brighter days.

Nonetheless, this issue also marks Isi and Justine’s departure as presidents and Editors-in-Chief, one which has been marked by multiple delays and confusions caused by the near-end to our University (Isi is putting up her degree show as I write this). We are pleased to announce our successors Ali Gavin (current Literature editor) and Rebecca Scherer (current Current Affairs editor) will take over operations of the paper, and we have full confidence to carry on The Rattlecap into what will be its 5th year of existence. Also, a million thanks to the whole committee who has made this year one of The Rattlecap’s best (special thank you to Phoebe and Iz, our founders). Finally, thank you to our avid writers, illustrators, and readers; everything the Paper has achieved this year wouldn’t have been possible without you. Here’s to another year of radical student writing, and to the end of an Apocalypse.

In solidarity,

Isi and Justine

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